
Create Shopify Landing page
Website layout for construction field
Website for a Michelin star Chef
Personal website
Brand new ELITE Pre-workout needs banners to spread the word!
Fashion Website layout
Designing Landing page about bitcoin forum
LifeStyle Flyer
The winning design of LifeStyle Fanpage Cove
Animated Banner Ad
The winning of banner for Contest
BuyBox Website Desiging

Acerca de

8+ years of hands-on professional experience as a Graphic & Website designer.

You can hire me in 1-to-1 project to save your time and money. I'll response within 6 hours.

My services:

  • Website/landing page design.
  • Design of mobile applications.
  • Create interactive prototypes.
  • Banner for ads compaign.

Thanks for watching!

Miembro desde: viernes, 16 de enero de 2015
Nivel intermedio




"Great designer! Wonderful personality and a real pleasure to work with. "
Foto del perfilMoondrops reseñado hace más de 1 año
"This designer is excellent! Knowledgeable and friendly. Works fast, knows what needs to be done and advises what looks best and what works. "
Foto del perfilMoondrops reseñado hace más de 1 año
"Thank so much. Hope we can continue to cooperate in the future!"
Foto del perfilRosie D respondido hace más de 1 año
"Wonderful! Great work and a pleasure to work with. So helpful, works fast, quick responses. "
Foto del perfilMoondrops reseñado hace más de 1 año
"Rosie did a great job, I'm already in the process of hiring her again for a new job"
Foto del perfilwynwood tech reseñado hace más de 1 año
"Will definitely hire Rosie again"
Foto del perfilwynwood tech reseñado hace casi 2 años