they are looking for a unique logo, one that uses a Spartan Helmet shape but in order to tie it into our company I think that they need to get the letter T somehow into the logo, maybe by using a different outline color, making a T shape with the eyes, or somehow getting colored T in the nose guard and above the eyes. they want to keep it simple, so that it's not too busy, they feel like that's the way to go nowadays. they like the half-shadow face, or pieces that your eye has to put together to make a complete shape, a helmet with the vector below it. they would like to leave more to the imagination to pur together, but the T or back to back T to make a full T has to stand out somehow. The mascot for our local high school is Spartan, but they need to make it connect to their business somehow. This logo might have to be hand drawn, with artistic tough, not just graphic design