This composition is for a graphic t-shirt design for a series of vintage/retro tees with a surf shirt vibe and a makeup theme dedicated to women.
I tried to focus on obtaining a cool and fresh image, while drawing inspiration from vintage surf-themed T-shirts and stickers. Given the theme and the slogan that was to be incorporated into the design (“Long Live Lipstick”), I wanted not to merely illustrate a lipstick, but to incorporate the idea of lipstick into a coherent composition that could tell a story and would appeal to women and girls. I chose a circular composition that focuses the view on itself and gives the waves a plus of dinamicity and power. I wanted to suggest that they (the waves) are the character’s hair, concentrating the attention on her lips. I chose vintage-inspired fonts and colors, based on primary colors, but in subtle, rich, vivid tints and tried to further accentuate the retro feel by giving an aging texture to the whole design.