Este concurso ha terminado. ¡Felicitaciones al diseñador ganador Venndetta
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Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
We are EDP
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
Propane Distribution | Propane Innovation
Energy Distribution Partners (EDP) is a rapidly growing company — with deep experience in retail and commercial propane sales, operations and finance. We provide safe, reliable propane service to residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers from Connecticut to California.
We service more than 200,000 customers in 19 states, with a presence in rural America as well as in major metropolitan areas. We have become a significant player in the propane industry, recognized in 2022 as one of the Top Ten Propane Marketers by LP Gas Magazine..
Since our inception in 2012, EDP has helped more than 30 owners of well-run propane businesses transition to their own “next chapter” while benefiting everyone involved.
We are changing our company name from,Energy Distribution Partners to just EDP. We operate a collection of businesses in 19 States that all operate under different trade names but are all owned by EDP. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary and used the We are EDP in that campaigned and we really liked it. Er also like the "E" for certain things like a lapel pin, etc.
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