Información necesaria
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
This is a social luxury fashion shopping app.
Target audience is fashionistas, fashion bloggers, shopaholics, luxury brand
Estilo visual
Colores a explorar

Otros requisitos relativos al color
I'd like to explore the following colors:
Royal Blue
Dark neutrals: Formality, mystery, exclusivity and luxury.
Let designers make suggestions:
Atributos de estilo
Diseño de inspiración
Otras notas
New thing to try: Red carpet, fashion. Runway meets future geometric.
Logo should be edgy, contemporary, simple, luxury, good use of negative space.
*I have attached a snapshot of our current app mocks, so you guys can see the look/feel* We are currently using a dark shade of blue with lots of blurs and we like gradients. It is helpful to see the logo in an app icon format or on a phone screen.
Please design the logo as well as how it would appear as an app icon.
Looking for smart use of negative space!
Images that come to mind:
- diamond on fire, dress on fire
- a very simple fashiony flamingo
- dripping mannequin
- dripping diamond, dripping C
- dripping hanger
- geometric
- crown, dripping crown
- woman face with hat and round sunglasses -- using negative space
- woman face silhouette, good use of negative space incorporating C
- dress, shoes, sunglasses
- closet, shopping bag, hanger
- stars/heart
- C on a hanger like a garment
- futuristic meets fashion
- Something that incorporates the C or the full name Craze creatively
- Sophisticated, edgy
- High fashion, luxury
- Gradients are nice
- Some sort of character would be interesting, but need it to still evoke fashion. Like a flamingo maybe. something that could be a new emoji, if you were an emoji inventor
Logos (of apps) we like:
Like a Chanel/Gucci branded type that is high end but also memorable
- Hopper
- Fancy
- Instagram
- Postmates
Archivos finales del concurso
Archivos finales
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