
Book Cover
Book Cover
Book Cover
'Design the Future' podcast cover art
'Drown Your Sorrows' podcast cover art
'Made for Love' podcast cover art
'Camp Wellness' podcast cover
Impact Led Founders
Steel Stories
The Gradience
'One Book that changed my life' podcast cover
Workday - The future of work

Acerca de

Hi! My name is Angie, I live in the UK and have always worked as a graphic designer. I have a degree in Graphic Design and Print Design and specialise in illustration and typography.

País: Reino Unido. Miembro desde: lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


"Incredible as always!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 5 meses
"Incredible experience as always. Ange is always a pleasure to work with. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 7 meses
"Perfect as always!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 1 año
"Incredible designer. One of the best"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 1 año
"Fantastic work, prompt and professional. Always hits the deadline."
Foto del perfilTeam Fame reseñado hace más de 1 año