
Fast Break - James Merilatt
How to Talk to Anyone
Celebrate Every Day with a Puzzle!
The Complete Learn Spanish For Adult Beginners Book (3 In 1)
3D Printing For Beginners
Conversaciones en inglés: diálogos cortos para mejorar tu inglés
The Dual-Language Storybook
The Anxiety Relief Word Search Book for Stressed Adults
Title: 27 PassioThe Dynamics of the Enneagram Instincts, Emotions, Passions, and Fixations
Cover design for a book on Latin American insects
Cricket's Craziest Crime
Chair Yoga: Improving Strength, Flexibility and Posture Whilst Creating a Happy State of Mind


"Second project I've done with Ale, I'm very happy with the results of both. Thanks!"
Foto del perfildaniel.welscW reseñado hace cerca de 1 mes
"Amazing as always!"
Foto del perfilchris.rawson5c reseñado hace 2 meses
"Great work. Very flexible with a couple of last-minute edits. Very well done!"
Foto del perfilJmerilatt reseñado hace 4 meses
"I was very happy with the result."
Foto del perfilelliott.middleton reseñado hace 6 meses
"The book covers were visually pleasing and conveyed the message I wanted."
Foto del perfilelliott.middleton reseñado hace 7 meses